Brand Strategy, Mindset Modeling, Brand Architecture

After an incredible period of growth in distribution and sales, the team at Waterloo approached BIG for help “turning on the brand and marketing faucet”. In other words, they were looking for help creating an ownable brand position in a very cluttered sparkling water category. We rolled up our strategy sleeves and got to work, first starting with a review of existing brand and consumer insights to build from the meaningful equities already established in the marketplace. From there, BIG got to know existing brand lovers and prospective brand lovers through qualitative and quantitative research to identify mindset attributes specifically associated with the Waterloo brand.  It turns out Waterloo brand lovers have distinct behavioral differences vs. general category users and by honing in on these distinctions and leveraging our data modeling, Waterloo was able to focus resources and tailor content and experiential design. This lead to stronger conversion among a well-defined target that shares behavioral DNA with current, highly attached customers.

This clarity of target coupled with a clearer brand architecture and recommended narrative themes along with a series of brand guardrails provided focus and guided future planning, tactics, and growth.


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